(29/11/12 – 30/11/12)
Gefyra Atsicholou
Rainfall (mm) |
38.08 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
13 |
Mean rainfall intensity imean (mm/h) |
3.05 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
42.62 |
Runoff (mm) |
2.10 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.06 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.35 |
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The rainfall with a total height of 38.1 mm starts on 29/11 11:30 and ends on 30/11 1:45 with the rainfall peak occurring on 29/11 16:45 (maximum intensity 18.0 mm/h). With a base flow equal with 2.36 m 3 /s, the discharge begins to increase abruptly approximately 6 hours after the rainfall start. The discharge reaches its peak on 29/11 18:00 (42.6 m3/s). Afterwards, the discharge decreases abruptly until it stabilizes at 4.15 m3/s, approximately 20 hours after the observed peak.
