The following Software has been used in the DEUCALION project
Enhydris is a free database system for the storage and management of hydrological and meteorological data. It allows the storage and retrieval of raw data, processed time series, model parameters, curves and meta-information such as measurement stations overseers, instruments, events etc.
Hydrognomon is a free software application for the analysis and processing of hydrological data, mainly in the form of time series. It is provided under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License. Hydrognomon is part of the openmeteo.org framework, where source code can be obtained.
Hydrogeios is an integrated simulation scheme, implementing a conjunctive (i.e. surface and groundwater) hydrological model that represents the soil and aquifer processes, combined with a system-oriented management scheme, which estimates the flows along the physical (i.e. hydrographic) and artificial (i.e. conveyance works) network and the actual abstractions through the hydrosystem, accounting for the properties and constraints of the hydraulic structures for the exploitation of the water resources.
Hyetos-R is a package for the temporal stochastic simulation of rainfall process at fine time scales based on Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulses rainfall model. It operates on several modes and combinations of them (depending on data availability), such as the operational or the testing mode, and simple sequential simulation or disaggregation. Specifically, it uses the Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulses rainfall model for rainfall generation and proven disaggregation techniques which adjust the finer scale (e.g., hourly) values in order to obtain the required coarser scale (e.g., daily) value, without affecting the stochastic structure implied by the model. Additionally, a repetition scheme is incorporated in order to improve the Bartlett-Lewis model performance without significant increase of computational time. Finally, the package includes an enhanced version of the evolutionary annealing-simplex optimization method for the estimation of Bartlett-Lewis model parameters.
Openmeteo.org is a project devoted to the development of free hydrological and meteorological software and to the collection and distribution of free hydrological and meteorological data.