Event N1_2012 (5/1/12 – 9/1/12)
Location Latomeio Mpaka
Rainfall (mm) |
136.39 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
39 |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
3.50 |
Maximum stage (m) |
0.56 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
33.15 |
Runoff (mm) |
20.95 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.15 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
2.53 |
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The rainfall (with a total height of 136.4 mm) starts on 5/1 23:00 and ends on 7/1 10:00 and the peak occurring on 6/1 11:00 (maximum intensity 13.6 mm/h). With a base flow equal with 0.34 m 3 /s, the discharge begins to increase abruptly approximately 8 hours after the rainfall start. Its peak occurs on 6/1 23:00 (33.2 m3/s) following two smaller peaks. After the peaks, the discharge decreases with a decreasing rate until it stabilizes at 5.87 m3/s, approximately 2 days after the observed peak.
Location Karveliotis
Rainfall (mm) |
161.66 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
27 |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
5.99 |
Maximum stage (m) |
0.36 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
5.77 |
Runoff (mm) |
18.92 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.12 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.29 |
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The rainfall with a total height of 161.7 mm (with rainfall data from Nedousa's station) starts on 5/1 22:15 and ends on 7/1 7:15 with the peak occurring on 6/1 10:15 (maximum intensity 23.1 mm/h). With a base flow equal with 0.53 m3/s, the discharge begins to increase abruptly 8 hours and 30 minutes after the rainfall start. Its peak occurs on 6/1 18:00 (5.77 m3/s). After the peak, the observed discharge decreases exponentially after the recorded peak, with fluctuations due to the rainfall's profile, and stabilizes at 1.65 m3/s, two days after the recorded peak.