Event N1_2014b (24/1/14 – 28/1/14)
Location Latomeio Mpaka
Rainfall (mm) |
106.21 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
74 |
Μέση ένταση imean (mm/h) |
1.44 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
22.61 |
Runoff (mm) |
10.28 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.10 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
1.24 |
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The rainfall with a total height of 106.2 mm starts at 24/1 19:00 and ends at 27/1 22:00 with the highest peaks occurring at 25/1 16:00 (maximum intensity 10.6 mm/h) and at 25/1 22:00 (5.5 mm/h). With a base flow equal with 3.20 m3/s, the discharge begins to increase reaching its highest peak at 26/1 1:00 (22.61 m3/s). Afterwards, it decreases gradually, despite some smaller rainfall values, until it stabilizes at 10.30 m3/s.

Location Karveliotis
Rainfall (mm) |
127.60 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
26 |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
4.96 |
Maximum stage (m) |
0.36 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
5.73 |
Runoff (mm) |
22.76 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.18 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.35 |
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The rainfall with a total height of 127.6 mm starts on 24/1 18:15 and ends on 26/1 21:30 with the highest peaks occurring on 25/1 3:45 (maximum intensity 32.8 mm/h) and on 25/1 15:30 (28.0 mm/h). With a base flow equal with 0.64 m3/s, the discharge begins to increase, reaching its highest peak on 25/1 21:45 (5.73 m3/s). Afterwards, it decreases, with a smaller peak occurring later, until it stabilizes at 10.30 m3/s.

Location Alagonia
Rainfall (mm) |
94.81 |
Rainfall duration (h) |
43 |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
2.23 |
Maximum stage (m) |
0.54 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
15.51 |
Runoff (mm) |
42.61 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.45 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.89 |
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Η επιφανειακή βροχή συνολικού ύψους 94.8 mm ξεκινά στις 24/1 18:15 και λήγει στις 26/1 4:15 με τις δύο μεγαλύτερς αιχμές να καταγράφονται στις 24/1 21:30 (μέγιστη ένταση 18.9 mm/h) και στις 25/1 15:15 (13.2 mm/h). Με βασική ροή ίση με 0.53 m3/s η απορροή αρχίζει να αυξάνεται φθάνοντας στην αιχμή της στις 25/1 21:00 (15.51 m3/s). Μετά την εμφάνιση της αιχμής, η απορροή μειώνεται απότομα ενώ στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζει μια ακόμα αιχμή και σταθεροποιείται στα 2.60 m3/s.
