Event 8, 11/11/13 – 12/11/13
Location Oinoi
Rainfall (mm) |
Rainfall duration (h) |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
Maximum stage (m) |
0.21 |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
1.17 |
Runoff (mm) |
0.17 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.00 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.01 |
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The rainfall (with a total height of 92.2 mm) starts on 11/11 12:00 and ends on 12/11 0:15 and the peaks occur on 11/11 12:15 (maximum intensity 28.0 mm/h), on 11/11 15:45 (36.8 mm/h) and on 11/11 20:45 (32.0 mm/h). The discharge begins abruptly 11 hours after the rainfall's start until its peak (1.17 m3/s on 11/11 23:00). After its peak, a second smaller peak is observed (1.11 m3/s) and the discharge starts to descend, due to the rainfall's halt, until it reaches its zero value (12/11 8:00).

Location Gyra Stefanis
Rainfall (mm) |
Rainfall duration (h) |
15.25 |
Mean rainfall intensity i mean (mm/h) |
Maximum stage (m) |
Peak discharge (m3/s) |
Runoff (mm) |
2.61 |
Runoff coefficient c |
0.03 |
Runoff volume (hm3) |
0.38 |
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The rainfall (total height of 100.9 mm) starts on 11/11 12:00 and ends on 12/11 0:15 and its peaks occur on 11/11 16:30 (maximum intensity 32.8 mm/h) and on 11/11 20:45 (23.0 mm/h). The discharge begins 5 hours after the rainfall's start and increases until its peak (31.83 m3/s on 12/11 0:45). Next, it decreases abruptly, due to the rainfall's halt, until it reaches its zero value (13/11 0:00).
